Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in the USA: Find Support Near You

What is Narcotics Anonymous?

Narcotics Anonymous is an international service organization that offers a rehabilitation program for those people addicted to drugs. Narcotics Anonymous, initiated in the 1950s, serves as a support group that is friendly and safe for individuals desiring to stop using drugs. The program identifies itself through the principles of the 12-step program. The participants are motivated towards leading a sober life through sharing experience, strength, and hope among themselves. The meetings of NA are free and can be found in many cities across the United States, ensuring that any person in need has support. You can find local meetings by using the meeting search tool on, which helps locate NA meetings in your area.

NA is based on the principles of anonymity, sharing, and acceptance, providing a comfortable environment for sharing experiences with others in similar situations. The number of members has increased steadily since the formation of the organization; currently, more than 70,000 meetings are held worldwide. The purpose of Narcotics Anonymous is to provide recovering addicts with the means to achieve sustained recovery and live healthy lives without substance abuse.

Support Group for Drug Addiction

Narcotics Anonymous has different meeting types to accommodate the variety of needs. Every meeting helps people share their struggles and successes with others in a mutually supportive and understanding environment. These are led by fellow members, people who have walked this path and know the way out of addiction.

The program is open to all people with drug addiction problems, whatever the drug used. NA meetings are open to all ages, both men and women, from all walks of life, so that no one is excluded from recovery support. Meetings are non-denominational and centered on the personal journey of the individual to recovery; thus, the program is adaptable to any community of diverse culture.

Free Program with Regular Group Meetings Held in the USA

Narcotics Anonymous meetings are free to all individuals, which is important in ensuring the accessibility of vital support. Nobody has to pay membership or for the meetings; thus, anyone is free to join at any time. The program is flexible, with different meeting times to accommodate many schedules. That way, nobody struggling with addiction has to miss an opportunity to get support due to work or personal commitments.

Throughout the United States, meetings can happen at small community centers or even larger venues. Many NA meetings happen weekly, and people attend them as a way to check in with others about their journey and to receive further support. More still, many of the meetings come in different forms-for instance, physical meetings, online, or via phone call-to meet needs and preferences.

Places where Narcotics Anonymous Meetings can be found in the USA

Narcotics Anonymous meetings can be found in most major cities in the United States. A small selection of some of the meeting locations is listed below, including the address, meeting times, and what methods are used during the meetings.

New York City, NY

  • Address: 123 Recovery Lane, New York, NY 10001
  • Meetings Time: Every Monday at 6:00 PM and Wednesday at 8:00 PM
  • Methods/Details: Meetings take place in a comfortable, private setting where people can discuss their experiences within a group. Discussion-oriented meetings are focused on personal stories, recovery strategies, and mutual support. All newcomers are welcome and encouraged to share.

Los Angeles, CA

  • Address: 456 Sobriety Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90001
  • Meetings Time: Tuesdays at 7:30 PM and Saturdays at 10:00 AM
  • Methods/Details: That is support and guidance through 12-step. Open discussion is encouraged as well as speakers who share how they overcame their addiction. Accountability, trust, and consistency are the keys to a permanent change.

Chicago, IL

  • Address: 789 Hope Road, Chicago, IL 60601
  • Meeting Time: Thursday 5:30pm – Sunday 11:00 am
  • Methods/Details: The meetings are sharing and listening meetings, and a place where newcomers and old-timers learn from one another. Many include guided reflections about the steps of recovery and sometimes include guest speakers who share their stories. Meetings are open to anyone and are supportive and non-judgmental.

Founded in the 1950s, Now Over 70,000 Meetings Globally

Narcotics Anonymous was founded in the 1950s by a few people who were looking for a fellowship that would help the addict cope with his problems. The society has grown to over 70,000 meetings across the globe. This growth attests to NA’s ability to provide recovery support through accessible services, as the need for them continuously rises, while remaining steadfast in offering an environment of caring that rebuilds lives. With its emphasis on community, fellowship, and personal accountability, NA has continued to make a difference in the lives of millions.

The 12 Steps of NA

The 12-step program of Narcotics Anonymous was created to bring recovering addicts closer to attaining long-lasting recovery. Every step is crafted to facilitate growth in the person, to assume responsibility, and to help from the fellowship of the people within it. Each of the steps explained below helps a member work their way through the process.

Admitted powerlessness over addiction – Chief life is unmanageable.

Build up faith in a higher power to guide and support during recovery.

Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Committing to trust in a higher power and surrendering control over addiction.

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

Committing to trust in a higher power and surrendering control over addiction.

Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Reflecting on past actions and behaviors to identify areas that need change.

Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Confessing faults and seeking to understand and take responsibility for them.

Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

Open to transformation and willing to let go of negative traits.

Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

Making a request to the higher power for the elimination of personal shortcomings and self-improvement.

Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

Acknowledging the harm done to others and preparing to seek reconciliation.

Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Working hard to mend relationships and make amends with those hurt by past actions.

Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Making regular self-assessments and quickly acknowledging any wrongdoing.

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Improvement of spiritual connection by more regular reflection and prayer.

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Sharing of recovery experiences with others, and application of the principles in daily life. Aims to Motivate Members Toward Positive Change Across the USA

The 12 Steps of NA are designed to inspire members to make positive changes in their lives and to lay a foundation for sobriety and personal growth. Through the working of these steps, individuals can gain insight into themselves, rebuild relationships, and sustain long-term recovery. The program provides a structured path toward healing and personal transformation, which is available to anyone seeking support in overcoming addiction.

Getting Started with NA in the USA

Utilize Meeting Search on to Find Local Meetings in Your Area

Narcotics Anonymous, or NA, is easier to get started with in the United States with the help of online tools such as meeting search features on It allows members to find local gatherings by searching for NA meetings based on their location. Whether you are seeking major city meetings or smaller communities, the website offers a current directory for NA groups nationwide. The search tool provides times, locations, and whether in-person or virtual, adding flexibility to fit different needs.

Both In-Person and Online/Virtual Meetings Available in Most Places

Narcotics Anonymous meetings are available both in-person and online/virtual. It has face-to-face meetings, usually in community centers, churches, and public places; in such a setting, individuals will feel supported. However, keeping in mind the feasibility issue, a number of NA groups conduct virtual meetings too, where attendance is way easier for people while sitting at home. Especially during these few years, the online facility has become indispensable when one had to stay back home to avoid traveling and attending. Both meeting types offer the same recovery-focused support and opportunities to share experiences and gain insights from others in the fellowship.

Attending Your First Local NA Meeting

Open vs. Closed Meetings in the USA

When attending an NA meeting, it’s important to understand the difference between open and closed meetings.

Meeting Type Description Who Can Attend
Open Meetings These meetings are open to anyone interested in learning more about the program and recovery. Anyone, including non-addicts.
Closed Meetings These meetings are restricted to individuals who identify as addicts or those seeking recovery. Only addicts or those seeking recovery.

Arrive Early and Introduce Yourself as a New Local Member

When going to the first local NA meeting, you should come a few minutes earlier. You will feel more comfortable, be able to sign in, and introduce yourself to the people present. While this isn’t required, at any point in time, you introduce yourself as a new member so that others know to welcome you into fellowship. It also allows the group to offer guidance and support as you begin your journey to recovery.

Share Your Experiences if Comfortable

NA members are encouraged to share with others their personal experience, strength, and hope. Sharing is voluntary. Feel free to share only when and to the extent that you feel comfortable doing so. Your story can help others more than you may know, and a bond may form within a group of people. You are free to just listen to begin with, if this feels more comfortable for you. The atmosphere in the groups lets people be themselves without judgment.

Get Welcome Keychain Tags at First Meeting

At your first NA meeting, you are usually given a welcome keychain tag to symbolize the commitment you are making towards the recovery process. The tag is to remind you that this is the start of your journey in NA and that you are never alone. The keychain is a reminder of the participation and commitment you make to your recovery, and it helps keep you motivated.

Tag Milestones

As you continue attending meetings and working your way through your recovery, you will be given more keychain tags for different milestones. These are things to be proud of and can serve as motivation to see how long you have been working at this.

  • 30 Days: This is the first big milestone, which means you have committed to staying clean for one month.
  • 60 Days: This is two months of being sober and continuing to progress in your recovery.
  • 1 Year: A big accomplishment-one year clean and a commitment to recovery.
  • Extra Milestones: As your recovery progresses, you get keychains at 18 months, 2 years, and so on.

These key milestones reinforce the progress you have achieved in recovery and encourage building a good foundation for continued living free from drugs.