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Health Innovation Manchester – Funds

Health Innovation Manchester has a suite of Innovation Funds to support and stimulate the development of innovative technologies.

The Energise and Momentum funds will open for applications on 15th November 2017


15th November 2017 – 1st Round Open for Initial Applications

12pm 13th December 2017 – 1st Round closes – Initial application

8th January 2018 – 2nd Round Open for Full application for successful applicants from 1st Round

12pm 2nd February 2018 – 2nd Round Closes

1st Week March 2018 – Face to Face pitches for successful applicants from 2nd Round

March 2018 – Winners Announced and funds awarded


Find out more about how to apply by following the links:


Ignite Fund (CLOSED)



Energise Fund – opens for applications on 15th November 2017



Momentum Fund – opens for applications on 15th November 2017


There are many types of grants and they can be broadly categorised into grants that are given for early stage R&D type developmental work or later stage evaluation studies. Many grants are announced and awarded on a cyclical basis, i.e., bi-annual calls, or are announced and awarded on a short term and reactive manner to a current issue, i.e., Healthcare Associated Infections.  Some grants are regionally focused others are topic specific. The majority of the large grants are awarded by national charities and research councils, but other smaller awards are often awarded by local initiatives such as councils and discipline specific charities.

Knowledge of what grants are available is a full time occupation and some of the Innovation Nexus Associates can provide this knowledge.


Investments are provided by institutions or individuals to help develop products and services with an intention of paying back the investment with a return.

Like grants, investments range in size and scale from small investments from local investors and Business Angels to large Venture Capital organisations and Corporate Financiers.

Knowledge of what investments are available and the terms associated with them is a relatively complex business, however some of the Innovation Nexus Associates can provide this knowledge.

Funding & Investment

There are many sources and types of funding and investment available to develop products and services for the NHS. These can be categorised broadly as grants and investments.

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New call for proposals: Use of Wearable and Sensor Technology and the Internet of Things for Healthcare

This call is a part of a programme of support for research and innovation that is operated by the Central Manchester University Hospitals Foundation Trust (CMFT)’s Research and Innovation Division and is part of delivering the trust’s overall research strategy.

CMFT is aiming to build its capacity and capability to help shape and lead the future of healthcare and delivery, working for patients and the local economy. The call is made possible through a programme funded through the CMFT Charities Innovation Fund.

The availability of technology that can be embedded in Wearables including the use of smart materials, sensors and user interfaces (apps) is growing rapidly. Technology advances – including miniaturisation, enhanced connectivity, improved usability, reduced cost, increased reliability and extended battery life are moving this from a technocrat domain into mainstream practice.

Wearable technology is commonplace in other sectors such as transport, communications and education but is now beginnings to find a place in the delivery of care and helping patients to be more confident in the self-management of their own health and wellbeing. The technology is not only amenable for direct care but can be effective in supporting some of the broader aspects of our operations including estates and patient experience.

This call seeks applications from areas of clinical practice, healthcare delivery and hospital services that could be changed and improved through the use of connected Wearable and Sensor technologies. Applications will require a CMFT staff member as a lead or as a partner.

A total of £50,000 is available to support successful applications. There will be further support for continued development of proposals that demonstrate good commercial potential.

To provide information and insights into the possible uses and potential of these technologies a workshop has been arranged where experts in the field will describe some of the technologies that are available. This will be held on site in Citylabs and the date will be announced shortly.

An application form is now available online or alternatively; a downloadable version of the form is available from Fatma Rumash email: [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 5pm May 31, 2017.

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