Unmet clinical need
The GM AHSN believes that addressing validated clinical needs provides a ?clinical pull? for new products and services that are required by the NHS.
This constitutes a ?demand led? approach to solving healthcare problems and also provides a ?willing consumer? for new goods and services, providing companies with a better chance of successful purchase and adoption by the NHS.
The validation of clinical need will be part of the service provided by the GM AHSN advisor team when a company submits a request for assistance from the GM AHSN.
In addition to validating enquiries for support on the basis of clinical need, the GM AHSN has already initiated a Technology Innovation Challenge fund, seeking to support technology developments in the GM AHSN’s clinical priority areas, which demonstrates the GM AHSN’s commitment to supporting new and innovative approaches to addressing problems in key areas of unmet need.
Relevant Associates
MIMIT? (Manchester: Integrating Medicine and Innovative Technology) is the first international affiliate of the highly successful Center for Integrating Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT?), a collaborative initiative of world-renowned academic and healthcare delivery organisations in Boston, USA.
MIMIT? forms a cornerstone of the Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC) Health Technology Hub, a partnership comprising the University of Manchester, three acute Trusts, two specialist Trusts (cancer and mental health) and a Clinical Commissioning Group.
The MIMIT? Industry Liaison Programme enables SMEs and larger corporates to scope unmet clinical needs, as well as generating novel solutions and products to address these needs.
The Industry Liaison Programme is designed to provide the most efficient route to the people, places and expertise needed by companies to design and develop medical technology. Our open innovation approach supports the creation of dedicated project teams to address validated clinical unmet needs presented to the program by industry partners. It also presents an opportunity for companies to obtain early insights into unmet healthcare needs and technologies under development.
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Get Involved
Are you interested in working with the GM AHSN to provide support to businesses working in the healthcare sector? Would you like to be listed as an Associate on the Innovation Nexus portal? Contact us to discuss how we could work together.